Tuesday 4 February 2014

The Future is Here. Find Your Greatness.



Nike was definitely on the right track when airing this advertisement for their exercise equipment and sneakers. They had this 12 year old, 200 lb boy running towards his goals while being narrated by a man speaking about achieving greatness.

The "Find Your Greatness" campaign from Nike is a great tool to guide one's motivation and inspiration and leave the consumer with a "can-do" attitude. Nike built an ad for consumers to make their own connections and experiences, which in a way...does self-marketing without knowing it.

Nike is leaving it up to the consumer to make a connection with the individual in the video and deciding for themselves whether or not they should get active and make a change in their lives. This ad is not "forcing" a customer into a purchase or pushing them into the market. This is Nike's sly way of grabbing a customer's attention.

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